Non ci sono altre Samsung Quick Share un mistero

Non ci sono altre Samsung Quick Share un mistero

Blog Article

Quello proprio vale altresì per i tuoi amici per mezzo di dispositivi iOS ovvero verso sistemi operativi diversi attraverso Galaxy Android: puoi in ogni modo inviare essi file Riserva sono con i tuoi contatti.3

Question of To what extent did impact your likelihood to consider purchasing an Android device for your next smartphone?

Tergantung pada produsen dan model, mungkin ada pembatasan pada beberapa atau semua fungsi layanan ini.

Keterbukaan adalah hal yang kita yakini. Samsung Galaxy diciptakan untuk membuka kemungkinan. Semakin sedikit batasan yang dimiliki dunia, semakin jauh kita semua dapat melangkah.

Vuoi modificare le foto su uno schermo più grande oppure organizzare le tue cartelle digitali? Trasferire i file frontalmente al tuo PC è probabile.

KDE Connect è totalmente gratuita e sicura. Un nuovo scritto i quali puoi utilizzare si chiama Send Anywhere, i quali non isolato permette il cancello proveniente da file entro device le quali si trovano vicini invece Per mezzo di realtà abbatte altresì la lontananza.

*Devices logged into the same Samsung account can always share with each other regardless of settings.

Sharing photos, videos, and other documents between different devices without loss of quality has always been rather tricky. Sure, many third-party apps exist that do the job, but wouldn’t it be nice if there was a native feature to quickly and easily share files?

Regular Galaxy devices that you interact with will automatically be saved and appear under the share options. Sharing a single file or a bunch of them Per one go will be a matter of a few seconds.

*I dispositivi i quali hanno eseguito l’ammissione allo controlla qui persino Samsung Account possono condividere Per tutti occasione file tra poco essi, a escludere dalle impostazioni.

Or share files using a QR code Even if the nearby devices aren't from Samsung, you can still share files through a QR code. Just tap the QR code icon and ask your friends to scan the code that shows up on your device.3

The connection is automatically terminated once the file transfer is complete or if the devices are taken out of range of each other. Transfer speeds can be as much as 200MB/s.


Samsung Quick Share is a proprietary file transfer tool that does exactly what it says — it’s the fastest way to share large files such as photos, videos, and documents between Galaxy devices.

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